
From ArchivesWiki

In 2021 we incorporated as a non-profit association in Western Australia, IARN A1040474X.


Annual reporting information:

  • Current address.
  • Date of most recently held AGM (AGMs are held annually and in the latter half of the year, generally on the first Saturday in July).
  • Total amount of revenue for the reporting period (always $0 for us).
  • Confirmation that we have at least six members with voting rights.
  • Confirmation that our main purpose is "historical or cultural preservation".
  • Confirmation that we are not a registered charity with the ACNC (we're not).


Membership is free and you can apply to join by subscribing to our archiveswiki email group (this is taken to be a 'signed application for membership' under the rules). Membership is accepted once another member has nominated you and a Committee member has confirmed your subscription. Membership carries forward so long as you remain on the email group. To resign your membership, unsubscribe yourself from the group.