Letter from Gervase Clifton to H A Hall, 23 June 1905

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Title: Letter from Gervase Clifton to H A Hall, 23 June 1905
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Authors: Gervase Clifton
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License: Public Domain Mark This work is free of known copyright restrictions.
It entered the public domain in Australia on 1 January 2002.
Related people: Gervase Clifton · Harold Aubrey Hall
Related places: 35 Newcastle Street, Perth
Description: File: Gervase_1905_06_23.doc

Typed 15 April 2011 by IB


35 Newcastle St
23 June 1905

My dear Mr Hall

Many thanks for your letter of some time in April or May I cannot find the letter as things have been a bit mixed of late. During the change of command in the house I put things away and now cannot find some but when I have a little time on hand shall be able to look them out.

You gave me an outline of Joy’s character I remember but the exact lines I cannot bring to mind. Everyone has their peculiarities some are natural to us. Some we have nursed for our own advantages and some are nothing more than being pig headed.

I notice many in Joy some I shall have to tone down others do not matter. So far we get along very well and have not come across any “Irresistible bodies meeting immovable forces”. I do have to tell her at times she is like an army in full retreat you can follow her round the house by things she has either put down or dropped. I am a man who likes to have a place for every thing and every thing in its place.

You were asking what family of Clifton I belonged to. Well it is “Clifton of Clifton of Notts” a very old English family but now almost extinct except in WA. All the Clifton here are my second cousins. My father was agent for the P & O S N Coy in Albany from 1861 to 1883 and I am a native of that town so am like Joy a “Groaper”.

I think it is for me to explain to you the cause of my wire re your mothers eyes. Your mother took charge of my house and little ones while Joy & self were away. So I though[t] I would like to give her something for her kindness. I spoke to Joy and suggested glasses as your mother had been complaining about hers. So I took her to my optician to get her fitted out he was not long in telling me her eyes wanted looking at by an oculist and he feared she would have to undergo an operation as the right eye was blind and the left eye followed the right. I saw Joy who said she did not know your mother has lost the sight of the right eye. So I wired you. In the end it turned out new glasses were all that was wanted.

For the last week we have been having real cold weather. I don’t remember such cold weather for years in Perth. Joy has felt the cold a good deal but she will not put on enough warm clothing for my liking for fear she looks too fat. With a change of climate like she is now experiencing she wants plenty of warm under clothing. I am a man for plenty of air but also plenty of warm clothing.

I hope you found your mother looking better for her trip to cooler climes and not tied up with the first blush of winter.

I hope when you get a chance of coming to Perth you will make our house your head quarters. We shall always be glad to see you and have plenty of room to put you up.

I must no[w] close as I must upon progress to your mother.

Yours very truly Gervase Clifton