C.M. Wilson extract of birth certificate, 1937

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Title: C.M. Wilson extract of birth certificate, 1937
Parent item: Wilson newspaper clippings (sort key: 1)
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Authors: O. Gawler (create)
Format and extent:
License: This item is of Australian origin and is now in the public domain because its term of copyright has expired. According to the Australian Copyright Council (ACC), ACC Information Sheet G010v19 (Duration of copyright) (January 2017).3
Type of material Reason for copyright expiry
A) Photographs or other works published anonymously, under a pseudonym or the creator is unknown: taken or published prior to
B) Photographs (except A): taken prior to
C) Artistic works (except A & B): the creator died before
D) Published editions1 (except A & B): first published more than 25 years ago
E) Commonwealth, State or Territory owned2 photographs and engravings: taken or published more than 50 years ago

1 means the typographical arrangement and layout of a published work. eg. newsprint. 2 owned means where a government is the copyright owner as well as would have owned copyright but reached some other agreement with the creator. 3 Copyright Amendment (Disability Access and Other Measures) Bill 2017 (Australian Government)

Related people: Charles William McHarg Wilson · William Wilson · Mary Wilson (née McHarg)
Related places:
Description: Extract of birth certificate of Charles William McHarg Wilson, son of William Wilson and Mary Wilson (née McHarg). Born at Fizroy, Victoria, on 26 September 1873.


State of Victoria.

"Extract" of Entry. No 91404

Office of the Government Statist,

Melbourne, 12th October, 1937.

Re Application Fol. 8594

Memo. According to the Registers in this Office,

Charles William McHarg, son of
William WILSON, and
Mary "
nee McHarg,
was born at Fitzroy,
on 26th September, 1873.

The Official Number of the entry is 23097/73

O. Gawler,
Government Statist.