Letter from Henry Cook to John Hill Munday, 16 April 1876

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Title: Letter from Henry Cook to John Hill Munday, 16 April 1876
Parent item:
Storage location: C.F. Barker folder 3
Authors: Henry Cook
Format and extent: Single page, folded, with newspaper clipping attached with thread (which was removed for scanning)
License: Public Domain Mark This work is free of known copyright restrictions.
Related people: Henry Cook · John Hill Munday · James William Munday · Alice Rose Munday (née Cook)
Related places: Cook and Munday grave, Melbourne Cemetery
Description: Newspaper clipping: Advertising (1876, February 24). The Argus (Melbourne), p7. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article7432979


Abbotsford &

Arden Streets


Mr J H Munday

My dear Sir

Your kind letter of the 20th January duly came to hand. Should have reply d[?]  by the last outgoing mail, but was very poorly, I therefore hope you will excuse the delay – I note all you say in your letter & shall only be too happy to execute all you request.

Tombstone. I had none up at our grave by James request before he died. I have had one put up to be paid for out of the estate: also one was sent to Western Australia for Alice's grave.

Copy of Probate & Will is being prepared, all the photos & likenesses. I have forwarded the diamond ring with some baby linen to your

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brother in New Zealand as I happened to know his address: I have received an answer of their safe arrival. Your brother Nelson I had also written to & by the last incoming mail, I received his reply, wishing me to forward the watch & guard to him direct, informing me the way to send it, & he also wishes to have James revolver, which was the means of saving both James & his life when last they met in China – so shall put the watch in the case with the revolver: & send them next week: & if all goes well shall send the box to you with Copy of Will & Probate, & also the photo by the next out going mail. Shall send you a portion of the money by draft: I have had a great deal of trouble over the affair & the Insurance Coy put me to all the trouble they could, but have cleared up with them: I expect all will be completed

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or nearly so by next mail.

I shall be able to send you two photos of the grave & one of the entrance to the cemetery, but I cannot get one with a general view of the cemetery at present but should there at any future time be any taken, shall then forward you one.

When James came home he had not much of a stock of clothes having been from Melbourne three years his stock got very low, & he said he lost the most of them at the wreck of the Brig his ship in Western Australia, & the heavy expenses he was at, took away of a deal of the poor fellows hard earnings & as things have turned out, it was a good thing he insured his life: or he would not have been able to settle any money to anyone: Mrs Cook answered your Mothers letter, by last mail, which I hope she received all right.

Mrs Cook with myself joins me in very kind regard to you all & I can only add that you may depend I shall close the estate & affairrs as quick as possible, & hope it will be done to your satisfaction.

Believe me
My dear Sir
Yours very truly
H Cook
16th April 1876

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JAMES WILLIAM MUNDAY, Deceased.—Notlce to Creditors and Others.—Pursuant to the provisions of the "Statute of Trusts 1864," notlce is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims against the estate of James William Munday, late of Moray-street, Emerald-hill, near the city of Melbourne, master mariner, deceased (who died on the eleventh day of November, 1876, and probate of whose will was granted by the Supreme Court of the colony of Victoria, in its Probate jurisdiction, on the third day of December, 1876, to Henry Cook, the executor named in and appointed by the said will), are hereby required to SEND PARTICULARS of such CLAIMS and demands to the undersigned Edward Augustus Atkyns of Eldon-chambers, Bank-place, Melbourne, proctor for the said executor, on or before the fifteenth day of April next, after which date the said Henry Cook will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst tho parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims, and demands of which he shall then have had notice, and he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claims he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 22nd day of February, 1876.


Bank-place, Chancery-lane, MelbournE, proctor for the said Henry Cook.