Letter from Henry Cook to William Munday 30 November 1875

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Title: Letter from Henry Cook to William Munday 30 November 1875
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30th Novr 1875

Mr Mrs Munday

32 Middleton Road
New Wandsworth SW

My Dear Sir

I deeply regret having the painful duty to inform you of the death of our dear son James. I make use of the word our for he was truly as good husband to our dear girl, as also a good son in law to me, & his loss with that of our dear daughter will for ever be remembered & regretted by us. Mrs Cook has sent Mrs Munday a long letter, with all particulars in it.

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so it would be useless me repeting what she has all ready said. So I shall now proceed to inform you that he made a fresh will on the 29th October last, appointing me as the sole Executor. He leaves my son Thomas Galliard Cook the sum of £75 free of all Probate or Legacy duties the remainder (after all just debts & testemental expenses are paid) to you & your dear wife. & in case of your deaths it was to go to this brothers & sisters. His life was insured for £250 & I am afraid before I can recover that amount I shall need to have his Certificate of Birth which I shall be glad if you

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will forward to me as quickly as possible so that I may be able to remit you some money as quick as possible. I think on a rough quess, that after all just dues & demands are paid, there will be about £250 for you but I cannot say for certain.

I was on the point of shifting my residence when James came home so could not shift till after the death of the poor fellow. So you will please address to me as at the end of this letter. I trust by Dear Sir you will receive this sad intelligence with fortitude, knowing as we well do that the will of the almighty must be done.

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So let us put our trust in him & bring our hearts to think that it is for some wise purpose. I shall send you his clothes chest with mementos to be given to his brothers &c. which was one of this last requests. & also will you inform me if you all have likeness of his & Alice? Those that have not got one I will endevour to furnish. There will also be some of the poor fellow's hair, but by the next mail. I will give you all particulars of the contents of the Box. he also beg'd that we would send his kind love to you & his mother. I hope you will excuse all mistakes for having so many letters to write, my head is [illegible] ly clear enough for the task. With very kind regards

Believe me Dear Sir

Yours truly

H Cook