Marriage record of Samuel Croskery and Mary Gilmour

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Title: Marriage record of Samuel Croskery and Mary Gilmour
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License: Public Domain Mark This work is free of known copyright restrictions.
Related people: Samuel Maxwell West Croskery · Mary Croskery (née Gilmour)
Related places: Troon, Scotland

year              = 1874
location_type     = District
location          = Troon
sublocation_type  = County
sublocation       = Ayr
number            = 13
when_and_where    = 1874 on the thirteenth day of August at Portland Terrace Troon.  After banns accoding to the forms of the Established Church of Scotland.
husband_signature = (Signed) Samuel Maxwell West Croskery (bachelor) Ship Master.
wife_signature    = (Signed) Mary Gilmour (spinster).
husband_age       = 27
wife_age          = 29
husband_residence = Kingstown Ireland
wife_residence    = Troon
husband_parents   = Hugh Croskery, retired ship owner; and Charlotte Wallace Croskery, ms Brown.
wife_parents      = Boyd Gilmour, Coal Master; and Jeanie Gilmour, ms Dunsmuir.
witnesses         = (signed) Jo[?] Heming, minister of the Established Church Troon. (signed) Wallace Brown Croskery, Witness.  Marian Gilmour, Witness.
registration     = 1874 August 14th at Troon.  John Martin, Registrar.
image            = Scotland. Statutory Marriages 590-02 0013.png