Airgraph 1943-09-15 Edith to Murray

From ArchivesWiki
Title: Airgraph 1943-09-15 Edith to Murray
Parent item: Wilson family airgraphs
Storage location: H.M. Wilson Archives/Folder 2
Authors: Edith Olive Wilson (née Hall)
Format and extent:
License: Public Domain Mark This work is free of known copyright restrictions.
Related people: William Murray Wilson · Edith Olive Wilson (née Hall)
Related places:
Keywords: H.M. Wilson Archives


AUS 406376


98 Herbert Road
Shenton Park. W.A.

Sept 15th 1943.

My dear Murray,

Your cable recd today, & replied to at once, thank you so much for it. John posted "70 & 71" letter for me, but I do not know if you ahve recd them. I shall post them myself in future by boat mail & a/g. I had a quite pleasant birthday, but greatly missed my loved absent ones. I only hope by next year you will all be at home again. Today is Rae's birthday, I hope she has a good day & not too much work. On Friday we are going to Margaret's to lunch, Pat is here on leave, & will go also, & then will see Joan when she returns to Melb. Gordon is out of hospital, staying with Uncle Charlie, on leave, he lost 18 lbs in weight after this operation. Quite a heavy snow fall at Sherbrooke last Sunday. He enjoyed seeing it for the first time. I am posting a parcel to you next week, with a pr of long sox which I have knitted for you. I hope they fit & suit. You are sure to like the other things. Hope they reach you in time for Xmas, & not late. I do not have much news to tell you, writing & knitting take up a great deal of time, and I lead a very quiet life as you know. You had better tell me if you can read my a/gs, or if they are too cramped. Adele gave me 3 laying pullets, we have had eleven egs in tive days, so they are good. So nice to have them fresh from the nests. Tae sent me some negatives to have printed, she does not like keeping the negs there, they are apt to spoil. Hope you are well, & taking every care of yourself. We all would be glad if you could come to Christmas dinner with us, but I suppose we cannot rely on your accepting the invitation. Still one never knows what the future may bring, & there is no harm in hoping is there dear. We are all well. With heaps of love, your ever loving Mother. E.O. Wilson. EDITH.OLIVE.WILSON.