Airgraph 1943-09-30 Edith to Murray

From ArchivesWiki
Title: Airgraph 1943-09-30 Edith to Murray
Parent item: Wilson family airgraphs
Storage location: H.M. Wilson Archives/Folder 2 (sort key: 153)
Authors: Edith Olive Wilson (née Hall)
Format and extent:
License: Public Domain Mark This work is free of known copyright restrictions.
Related people: William Murray Wilson · Edith Olive Wilson (née Hall)
Related places:
Keywords: H.M. Wilson Archives


AUS 406376

98 Herbert Rd
Shenton Park
Perth WA

Sept 30th 1943.

No 7.

My dear Murray,

I posted a parcel to you on Sept 24th so I hope that you receive it safely by Christmas. I addressed it to RAF Station Gianaclis the address given in Margaret's last airgraph There is word of Rae having leave in the near future for which we are all delighted, but of course do not know just when it will be. She has had two weeks home leave, plus 6 hours the day they arrived from ME in March '42, in over 3 years service. Hope the sox I knitted for you are the correct size if not, let me have your measurements, & let one of the others have them if suitable. Hope they fit you dear. We are hoping that with the winter ended, and the beautiful sunshine, all colds etc will be a thing of the past. Will you let me know if you have received my letters written on July 21, no 70, & no 71. August 10th. I have only written airgraphs since then. John has just had a fortnight at home & has done a good deal in the garden. My 3 pullets, which Adele gave me for my birthday have laid 42 eggs in 18 days. We were not ready for them would Sept 11th Jim brought then over in the evening. Took some flowers & spinach over to Margaret yesterday, out of the garden. Have some salads in, but hot yet ready. Jim's lettuce are beautiful & they have given me several. Had lunch with Irene & her mother & then to the [illegible]  yesterday. Hoping to hear from you soon. Gordon reports on Oct 4th for duty. Has gained much "lost" weight. Take care of yourself. With all my love, ever your loving, Mother.

EDITH OLIVE WILSON. EO Wilson, Papers posted.