George William Henry Hall
Birth: | , Perth, Western Australia |
Death: | , Bunbury, Western Australia |
Parents: | James Anderton Hall 1829–1888 Lucy Hall (née Lazenby) 1840–1873 |
Siblings: | John Hugh Clarence Hall 1861-04-21 – 1884-09-30 Mary Lucy Kate Hall 1863-03-30 – 1875-10-24 George William Henry Hall 1865–1939 Eva Agnes May Hall 1867–1958 Ernest Anderton Frank Hall 1869–1956 Samuel Godfrey Boyd Hall 1871-02-25 – 1945-07-21 Ada Maud Florence Solberg (née Hall) 1875–1942 Lillian Bertha Ella Hall 1877–1881 Edith Olive Wilson (née Hall) 1882–1966 Sydney (or Cecil) Randel Hall 1887-06-24 – 1887-12-24 Hubert Sylvian Hall b. 1885, Roebourne; d. 1929 Moora. James Herbert Edward Hall b.1880 Roebourne; d.1918 Roebourne. |
Partners: | |
Children: | |
Keywords: | H.M. Wilson Archives |
Authority control |
Permalink: Wikitree: Hall-22328 |
Born in Perth, 11 March 1865.[1] Died of heart failure after a 6 weeks' illness, in Stirling Hospital, Bunbury.[2]
8 August 1939, South Western Times:[3]
The passing at a private hospital in Bunbury on Friday last of the late George William Henry Hall (known to all his friends by the more familiar name "Billy") at the age of 74, removes a member of a family whose name is linked with the pioneering and expansion of the State.
George William Hall was born on his father's station property out from Port Hedland in the year 1865, in respect of which he may be said to have been a true North-Wester. His parents, not long out from England (having landed at Albany a few years earlier) had proceeded directly to the North-West. There the family was raised and lived during the earlier years of their lives until a property was taken at Wongong, near Armadale. There Mr. Hall was educated, after which he returned north in his eighteenth or nineteenth year. He then resided continuously in the North-West until about 1916, when a fall from a horse necessitated his coming south for medical attention, his injuries being so serious that he was confined to hospital at Fremantle for about two years.
About 1921 Mr. Hall came to live at Burekup, where he remained for a period of about ten years until 1931, during which time he was share-farming with his sister, Miss E. M. Hall, and for a shorter period with Mr. John Lethbridge. In 1931 he returned again to the North-West, remaining there for five years, during which time the change of climate gradually undermined his health. Five years later he again returned south, never recovering his good health, and for the past six months his health was very bad.
A general feeling of regret is experienced by the Burekup district, for he was as well known and jovial a personality here as he must have been in the more sparsely populated areas of the North.
A relation of Mr. Hall's recounts some interesting facts which show the rigours of the early days of the North-West settlement. When Mr. Hall was about nine eyars old, a calamity befel his father's station homestead, then in an embryo stage, which might well have daunted less courageous pioneers. The natives in those days were very hostile to white settlement, although a native or two who showed friendliness towards the settlers were employed at the homesteads. On this occasion the hostile aborigines enticed the friendly natives away from the homestead and speared them. They then proceeded to lay siege to the homestead itself: Mr. Hall's father decided to evacuate his position, removing for the time being to another homestead. "Billy" Hall's part in the evacuation conisted of ensuring the safety of two younger sisters—Mr. Hall was then aged nine, and it speaks well for his guardianship that he conducted them safely, by half-carrying and half-dragging them, to safety.
At the time when Mr. Hall returned to the North in his early manhood, stockmen and boundary-riders received the handsome payment of 10/ per month, with keep, for their services. Mr. Hall for a time followed the oc- cupation of general station hand and horse-breaker—it being as a result of the latter that he was forced to spend a period in Fremantle Hospital. He later owned a station property, which he sold during his later life. Mr. Hall leaves several brothers and sisters to mourn him, notably Mr. Earnest Hall, of Sherlock Homestead, Roebourne, Mr. Sam Hall, of Nedlands, and Miss E. M. Hall, of Burekup, with whom he passed large part of his sojourn in the South-West. Although most mem- bers of the family are today resident in the South-West, the Halls still re- tain their associations with North- West, developed during the whole period of its white history, in the person of Mr. Ernest A. Hall, who has recently amalgamated two station properties and acquired a third property from Senator E. B. Johnson. The family connections extend throughout the entire South-West, notably with the well-known Hester family, some members of which pioneered in the North-West at the same time as the Hall family.
Dr. J. S. Battye in his "History of Western Australia" refers to the explorations in the North-West of F. T. Gregory, whose party of 1861 included W. S. Hall. As a result of this exploration W. Padbury established the first white settlement in the North-West, in 1861, and he was followed later in the same year by a number of settlers, including S. Hall. That was the beginning of the notable family of North-Westers bearing the name Hall, of which the deceased was a bachelor member.
The funeral took place on Saturday, leaving the private mortuary of William Brittain and Son at 3 p.m. and proceeding to the Anglican portion of the Bunbury cemetery where the remains were interred, after a service conducted by the Rev. A. Fryer. The pall-bearers were Messrs. C. Reynolds, F. C. Caporn, W. Pugh, F. Offer, N. Clifton and F. Best.
- ↑ George William Henry Hall, extract of birth
- ↑ Death certificate of George William Henry Hall
- ↑ OLD IDENTITY PASSES (1939, August 8). South Western Times (Bunbury, WA : 1932 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from

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