William Wilson's family (1839 to 2-5-1914)

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Original PDF: File:William Wilson's family (1839 to 2-5-1914).pdf

On 19th April 1864 William Wilson, 25 years, married Mary Wilson (née McHarg), 21 years, at North Melbourne. William Wilson died 2nd May 1914, aged 75 yeras. Mary died 24th September 1925, aged 82. (cancer)
Their children were:
William Garrick, born 18th January 1865, died 18 Oct. 1933, or coronary artery thrombosis, aged 68 years. Wife Catherine (Katie), sons Alec and Garrick.
Andrew Oswald, born 12th October 1866, married May, no children, died 19th June 1950, 83 years. (frac. femur etc.)
Mary Agnes, born 11th May 1868, spinster, died 6th October 1957.
Robert Crichton, born 4th March 1870, Married Jean Bennett Wilson (née Livingston) (sister of May, Mrs Andrew Wilson), twin sons born posthumously, one John survived, spastic, died ages 21 years. Second marriage to Mary, no children. Died 22nd February 1935 (cancer) ages 64 years.
Charles William McHarg, born 26th September 1873, batchelor, died 24th May 1957, (Parkinson's disease and coronary thrombosis) aged 83 years.
James Herbert, born 5 February 1872, married Edith (Hall), six children, Dorothy Jean McHarg, Frederick Gordon, Olive Adele, Lilian Jessie Rae, William Murray, Herbert Bruce. Died 1942 aged 70 Years, coronary thrombosis.
Jessie Susan, born 16th August 1876, spinster, died 13 Years, (Tb.).
Agnes Hay, born 17 August 1878, spinster, died 1958 aged 80 years (cerebral thrombosis).
Margaret Rae, born 17 July 1880, spinster, died 12 Jan 1959, aged 78 years, cerebral thrombosis, cirrhosis.
William Wilson's parents were William, who married Janet Garrick, daughter of David Garrick (Huguenot extraction, Garique).
Mary's parents were Andrew McHarg, who married Susan McConnell, and later Rae. "Rae" as a Christian name, was from Mary's stepmother's maiden name.
William Wilson migrated to Australia, leaving Liverpool on 21st May 1856, aged 18 years, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx his brother Robert had left in 1853, for Sydney and Melbourne, then apparently returned to Scotland, then to America, finally back to Australia.
Andrew McHarg "rented a large farm called the "Fell" in Wigtownshire, Scotland on which there was an extensive stock of sheep and cattle, he had a thorough practical knowledge of the breeding, rearing and management of sheep stock, is also an excellent judge of fat stock," evidently migrated to Australia in 1854 with his family.
In 1864 William received a letter from his brother James in Dumfermline - "You will see that I have again got over a session at Glasgow, though only a summer one of three months, the classes I had were Anatomy, Botany and Chemistry, the first there was no examination and consequently no certificate, but in the other two, after several tough examinations and a great deal of work with my "Herberium" I managed to obtain two 2nd class certificates, which seems to be the height in any classes the fates have awarded to me, but I will try the affect of harder work in changing their decrees next session if all's well; I just got a few days as we were in Glasgow until the end of July, ad then I am in a Druggist's in town from whom I get my certificate for three months "Practical Pharmacy" so I had little time to spare, as we take up again in the beginning of Nov. I was at one time thinking of going to Dr. John in Newcastle but I think I shall wait until I will be of more use to him. I go to the shop about ten, generally after I have had an hour's work at "Logic" for the last of the Preliminary examination, and then work away to about 8 or so, at Drugs or my Anatomy and Chemistry, of course I am not tied down to any hours and occasionally go away about 5 to "Stripeside" to see how they are getting along there. You speak about taking a trip out your way, I have lots of time to think of it yet, but if I thought I would not require doctoring (seasick!) instead of to Doctor I would like very much to run over in a vessel as Surgeon, where I believe they are treated, as they ought to be, as Gentlemen and well paid, if I thought of the Army the examination to get in would be a secondary consideration as I think that after passing a Degree examination for M.B. you out to be able to pass their examination, but they are not well

treated there just now, and before they can get Gentlemen to go they must learn to treat them as such, not as man servants. You speak about business men having a great weigh on their brain, but you may say that the most of our work is brain work, and it is him who can best bring to bear on the case what his brain contains that makes the best Dr. I must now draw to a close as it is getting late and with best regards to Mary I remain, your affect. bro. Jas. M. Wilson.
Letter from sames brother James, dated 1864:
Dear William, I must first of all wish you joy on the completion of your Batchelor apprenticeship and having now got a "better half" to assist you through life, and I hope you will be long spared to live happily through it together, I wish I had been near Collingwood so as to have been able to come to the affair, but if I get a long letter next mail with the particulars it will make up for the loss, you must have a "Cart de viste" taken soon of you both, I will be much obliged for one pro me; you mind Father used to take a great interest in reading the reign of "William and Mary" but I am sure he will take a greater in the lives of another couple who stand "in status quo" though in a different sphere; I suppose you will have less or no idea at all now of ever coming home so my only chance will be if I should be spared to go to India or China to take a run over to see you on a 3 months leave of absence, for the more I go to the Infirmary and see some of our great Surgeons performing operations, I feel I would like to follow in their wake, and to go to some place where there are openings for such services, I got an introduction to one of the Surgeons in our Infirmary, a Dr. Morton, through Cousin John, and who when he can benefit me by explaining the case with the cure, or allowing to assist in anything going on, and so I must try to get on that if any of you require me to dress a finger or anything that way (but which I would rather than no one would require any such thing) I may be able to do it easily free gratis and for nothing. I suppose you will have had little time these last few months for Botanising, for my part I have had more trailing about for flowers since May and then the naming and drying of them, than I would care for, if it was not that I wish to obtain a certificate which we cannot get unless by collecting 200 or so of flowers rightly named and neatly dried, but which saves us from passing the examination at the end of the 2nd winter session, which is a great advantage, yesterday we went down the river a little then walked 10 or 12 miles and came home as tired and done up as could be, but I have now got 120 plants so if I could manage another 80 I would be very glad of it. I suppose after the summer classes I will be trying my hand at Pharmacy in some Druggists in Dumfermline. I have been getting short lessons in prescription writing from another young fellow in the house who is going up in a month for his qualification, but I fear he must come to work again as he has been plucked before and it seems to have taken little effect on him with regard to study, but I hope he will get through as he is a good-hearted Irishman from the "sweet County Cork" and as a matter of course takes everything with the greatest possible coolness. Since I last wrote you, ground has been purchased at the west end of the town at £65,000 for a new College, so they are now going to turn the old seat of learning into a Goods Railway Station and thus help to root out many of the alleys and bylanes of Glasgow which will be a vast improvement. As it is now late, I must be making for bed and will finish with asking you to return my kind love to Mary and hoping to have a long letter in return, I remain your affect. brother Jas. M. Wilson.

Monday night, Oct 21, 1869:
My own dear Mary, As I know you will be anxious to hear how I am getting on without you all I shall write you a few lines to let you know how things are moving. I do sincerely trust that you have commenced to enjoy yourselves. How are the boys and sissy? Do they ask after their Papa. Tell them the chickens are all right and the (?) and every thing the same as when they lieft. I trust that Sissy is keeping well and that her teeth are not troubling her and that you are in good spirits and enjoying the fresh Arcadia air. I went up to William Street to dinner yesterday and went to church twice so you see I was a very good boy. After you went away on Saturday I came home here and had breakfast, went down to business and after coming home I set to and cleaned the kitchen, swept the yard and made things comfortable intending to go out in the evening, but about eight O'clock I was so sleepy that I had to march upstairs to bed. I don't think I shall trouble cooking much. I went down tonight to the Social Meeting of the Association and passed the evening very pleasantly, of course I have them a selection from the Ingoldsby Legends which appeared to be appreciated. Samson was there and treated us to an examply of how they used to intone the scriptures in the churches of mediaeval times, it sounded very nice and solemn. We forgot to mention about writing before you left, let me know which will be the best time to write so that you may get it promptly. Now my dear Mary do not be troubling yourself about how I am doing without you because I shall be very willing to put up with a little inconvenience for the sake of you and the children having the chance of such a spendid change. I am sure it will do you all good. Tell Garrick and Master Andrew that Papa was asking for them and kiss Sissy for me, and with love to you and the children I will remain your own Willie. I shall be expenting a letter from you shortly.
Letter to William from his brother Mitchell Wilson (this is the James M. Wilson of the previous letters): from Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, 15th March 1871:
My Dear Wm, I assure that it has often puzzled me why you did not write, but I can now imagine there are times when one feels that the "custom" is more honoured in the breach than in the observance". The one is expected to be in a nice easy frame of mind, with the world and its inhabitants smiling on you; you feel most anxious to tell of triumphs than defeats, of hopes realised than of those blasted, and for such like reasons you think it better not to write at all. I assure I often get into this state, possibly no worse off than my neighbours, but I prefer keeping my thoughts to myself than blazing them abroad even to friends. I don't remember if I have written to you since I came down here from ... I often wish I had gone to Manchester, but John Wilson where I happened to go for a few days, made me a very good offer, a yearly allowance, he thought he could get on better in London and so left a lot of patients for the newcomer. I have taken very well yet, and mean to give it a fair trial. I have about £70 a year of appointments and possibly as much private practice the first year, that would clear me comfortably alone, though it is somewhat expensive living here, but then there is the constant prospect of walking into the other fellows and I could not do better in any place as without means a fellow in our prefession must be content with a small beginning, though I look forward if spared and well, to something better sometime. I try not to repine, I am getting far more than I deserve, grumbling and anxiety cannot improve matters and I feel more and more that God has been kind to us all, we have been kept from dishonouring ourselves or from seriously grieving our parents, I should think our dear Mother would have been glad to have seen us be propserous, and I dare say you regret as much as I do, the want of the refining influence of a Mother or Sisters. Father is

good in his stern creed, but even young minds have a decided objection to dogmatism and yield sooner if led then driven. I do not despise by any means his good advices, but his world is narrow and does not live up to the necessities of the times. Nothing would please him better than to hear that we were all better Christians more than wealthy men. He keeps in pretty good health and still has all his faculties about him, his sight and hearing go very fast and his aversion to anyone working for him makes him often look untidy, but he is amid old scenes and associations and looks forward to being laid with those who have gone before. Our Estate in Scotland is possibly not more than six feel long, but it has memories as dear and to be cherished as the lordly xxxx acres. It is a wondrous treat to leave the world outside and commune with oneself, pleasures fade and pall but these self reflections are life long, the outcome ofthe .... all is variety and perisheth. This moralising does not make money, but that is to me the secret of human happiness, we do not live for the present only, are we of miserable? look back on better times, if happy, let it be tempered by thoughts of former struggle and be thankful, thus we live, hoping and hopeful, watched over by a merciful God, let us try to bow and learn his lessons and we shall be happier than the millionaire. I hope Mary and the children are well, sickness does not belong to climate or to person, my short experience tells me that we are often most likely to be patients when feeling most secure and wehn wondering where will my next patient come from, my puzzles are always ar fault; Robert is very anxious for me to try Australia, I cannot think of it at the present and must plod on here just now, of course I should like to be married but mean to wait until things clear up a bit. I have written a long letter telling you my mind and views and if not to a brother to whom? and now with kindest regard to you all I ever remain your affect. bro. Mitchell Wilson.
Letter from Garrick, Easter 1883 (aged 18): (beautifully written)
Dear Mamma, You will have seen from my note that we arrived safe in Rochester and found Uncle waiting at the station with the baggy and horse. Since then we have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was only three o'clock when we reached the Farm and wer lost no time in exploring barns stables etc. After that was over a lordly feast was spread before our eyes, which I assure you we did amply justice to, since we had eaten nothing since five o'clock that morning (of course you know the reason of this). The next morning (Friday) we were awakened by the cry of "Hot Cross Buns" at the mostroud hour of 25 mins to 6. Andrew and Johnny were up in an instant, but I as till Seven O'clock. The buns fully kept up their reputation and I can tell you we didn't eat very few of them. After breakfast Ben was saddled and Andrew and I had a good ride each of us. The Picnic - I had almost forgotten to speak of it - was splendid. What do you think we had? 1st course bread butter and cold roast fowl, 2nd course tea, jam tart, swiss rolls and buns, 3rd course apples etc. And then the drive was splendid. On one side is the Ida Range with its rich volcanic dar chocolate soil sloping gently to the road; and on the other Lake Cooper which has a circumference of 20 miles, a splendid sheet of water when full, but a dreary expanse when dry which is its present space. Commencing at a point 3 or 4 miles for its summit, you commence to ascend Mt Cooper which is so steep that the horses (I forgot to mention we had a buggy and pair, and the spring cart which was driven by Jack and Andrew) have to go round the hill making the ascent gradual. I know Papa would like to see the view from the cairn on the top of the summit. You can see over the tops of the trees for fully 20 miles on a clear day. Well I don't think I ever enjoyed and Good Friday beter than today, I only hope that Papa and all the rest have done as well.
I also hope that Papa went on some trip to Lilydale or thereabouts. (At this point in my letter Jack and Andrew have dressed themselves up in dresses, coats veils etc under the supervision of Kate the girl, and came stalking in as man and wife, really the "get-up" was not bad at all. I am very glad to say that Uncle, Aunty and Cousins are all very well, Aunty sends ---
(final page is missing).

Letter from William Wilson to his son William and D. in l. Mary.
Dated 8 April 1873, from 17 ?Leath Street, Ferth (Scotland).
Note on top: Please write me on white paper, I see it better.
Dear William and Mary,
I received your ... welcome letter and am very glad to hear that you are in good health which you both know the value of. Now about the schools I would much rather send the children to a private school where they will get the bible(?) was in your place I would ... to do justice to your children that education ... was ... bu a party of ... Jesuits and pursuits that are working hard to get all brought back to popery again - we expect to get the bible kept in the schools here to have got a board of management of our own chosing but they are under so far the privie counsel - you omitted to tell me how your shop is coming you have also omitted to let me know if you keep a horse and gig and if your employers pays.all your expenses. I expect Robert gives large orders - there is another thing I would like to know if you believe it pays you as well taking the summer and winter together as when you were with ? Magee. Duties I am aware are very high and clothing everything high but provisions.
Do you burn coals or wood Coals will keep in the fire better in the hot weather. A few weeks ago I bought a small quantity of coals dross have a tendency to run together the dross that is among the coals I burn I mix up all together in .... that dross .... cost me 10 per cent none of our friends would let them into their house - there is a great change here work mens wages here is very high and provisions is as high also let me know if you have got a young lad to assist Mary in the shop.... I am thankful I have got along ... winter .... but March was just as cold as in winter I kept the house for the greater part all winter my eyes have troubled me this long time past especially my left eye when I am not working ... the house if not out I am reading - my old enemy the coff is come back again but it is not so ill thrue the day now but I should be greatful that I am half able to attend myself I have a number of complaints and some ... may each of you be among christ's faithful people now and prepared to ... his Glorified Saints above sanctify the Lord's holy sabbeth your ever affectionate father William Wilson - write a little plainer.
William was 75 when he write this to son William who had been in Australia for 20 year seventeen years, above is a "fair guess" in places.
Letter 24 July 1865, written from Stripeside.
My dear William, Your most welcome letter came to hand in good time enc. draft for forty pounds and ...... two fifty pounds. You never mentioned about the ten and a quarter of oatmeal – I would push it off ... and not keep it. And you have to place five pounds to my credit for ..... the 9/- I paid for dist. the draft. You will try and keep down the expenses for the 5 ... they are £54 ... that takes the ..... (? houses) I would far rather not have an agent they do not care what kind of tenants you get and they are like the ..... they would make out a ........ against you for their services If the rents collecting interferes with your time just ....... and then I should be able to decide what course to take. It was very wrong of .... to leave the house in such a state I would make him pay. Be sure and secure my Father's P Order regularly you forgot it last mail (at least the one before) .....it to the last minute. Father thinks it awful careless. He does not consider anything but that is the only thing you have to mind about – You speak of paying off £50 in one of your last letters.........
I ohpe you will not have to pay out so much the next six mos — I receive the papers ...... Now I think if you .... send me the ... with the monthly summary it would do me ..... It is a pity to pay so much for the papers postage — I think that is all the business matters I shall write you about — just continue to ... as often as you have the cash. We have never received acall from the Dr yet but he was asking a lady of our acquaintance about us and saying he would call on us. He gave the C.. folk a fine lecture about the colony and recommended the folks to go to Victoria strongly. I enclose you his address before the ... in last week's paper — when reading it I could fancy hearing the Dr speaking. James may not be writing you this mail as he is with Dr. K... at Bathgate very busy. Father likes me to say he ... your and Mary's letters next mail — he has been staying with us for a few days. Father ....... to have our "cartes" which we hope to be able to send you next time. A....and I got ours taken on

Saturday in Edin. and we propose having the little Wilsons taken before that ..... we are happy to hear of the good health of Mary and the little ..... we are all in the best of health here and if you and Mary and the little fellow could spend a month or two with us it would be very egreable and would set you all up. There is to be an abundant harvest here the crops are beautifyl and we have had such fine weather. I must say goodbye to you.... hoping you are in the best of health. The boys send their ...... I remain with kindest .... from all hear Yours affectionately. .R.G..Wilson. (brother of Wm)
(I do now know which Wilson this was.) but the notepaper is embossed RGW – the signature is xxGWilson).